Francesco Latino Chiocci Page

Francesco Latino Chiocci
Full Professor in Marine Geology, teaching General Geology, Marine Geology and Marine Geophysics. Research associate to CNR and INGV. Leader of International Geoscience Program Projects IGCP-526 (2007-2012) and IGCP-464 (2001-2005) dealing with the Quaternary evolution of continental shelves, involving more than 200 researchers from more than 30 countries. Leader of national projects MaGIC and RITMARE Deep Sea (the largest in marine geology in the last 25 years). Led two Eurofleets cruises (and a third was recently approved) and many national research projects. Led project for the search of relict sand for beach nourishment in Latium, Tuscany, Apulia, Basilicata, and Abruzzo. Participated in over 50 scientific cruises (most as chief or responsible scientist), organized several national and international conferences or sessions (will chair next INQUA Congress in Rome in 2023, some 3,000 delegates expected). Published more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals and books, editor of 4 special issues or books in marine geology. Member of the Italian Oceanographic Commission (COI); Chief of the Marine Geology section of the Italian Geological Society (SGI), representative of Sapienza University on the Steering Council of CoNISMA (Italian National Consortium of Universities for Marine Sciences). Until 2020, member of the Scientific Council of IFREMER (FR), of international evaluation committees “Aeres” for CEFREM (FR) in 2010 and “Ramon y Cajal” (SP) in 2004 and 2005.