
I Progetti Europei: il luogo di incontro delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche

In questa rubrica vengono descritti brevemente e linkati i principali progetti europei condivisi in questi ultimi 20 anni da parte di molti degli associati nonché i Progetti in corso che sono stati lanciati sulle tematiche di interesse.
Per eventuali integrazioni/correzioni che si dovessero ritenere necessarie rispetto alla seguente lista di progetti, si prega di voler cortesemente segnalare tali osservazioni nella sezione Contatti.

Progetti conclusi

Progetti in corso

"Strategic management of Beach protection measures for the sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal areas". The Regional Framework Operation BEACHMED-e successfully accomplished its technical activities on June 2008. 9 Subprojects have been dealt with, with the participation of ......
A considerable amount of the European Union’s coast is currently eroding despite the development of a wide range of measures to protect shorelines from eroding and flooding....
The EU-FP6 CONSCIENCE project was launched in 2007 with a view to enhancing the implementation of a scientifically based sustainable coastal erosion management in Europe.
CO-EVOLVE (Interreg MED 2017-2019) encourages the emergence of policies and initiatives to promote the development of sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism by.....
MAREMED (2010-2013) project worked on those constituents of maritime policy with a strong transnational dimension, namely Integrated Coastal Zone Management, pollution, adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, fisheries, and coastal and maritime data management.
COMMON STRATEGIES TO REDUCE THE RISK OF STORM FLOODS IN COASTAL LOWLANDS COMRISK is a common project (2002-2005) of North Sea Region coastal defense authorities.
Change We Care
CHANGE WE CARE (2019-2021 Interreg Italy-Croatia) fosters concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions at the transboundary level. The project explores climate risks.......
Nearshore hazard monitoring and Early Warning System (Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Italy - Malta). NEWS develops an integrated system, which includes monitoring, early warning and mitigation of the coastal risks, specifically aiming at advising the population about the risk of flooding, littoral sand erosions, cliff failures and at activating protection measures in order to avoid damages to persons........
Co-Evolve4BG project (2019-2021 ENI CBC-MED Programme) aims at analyzing and promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural eco-systems in touristic coastal areas, .....
MAREGOT è un progetto finalizzato alla prevenzione e gestione congiunta dei rischi derivanti dall’erosione costiera nell’area di cooperazione. Il progetto strategico intende avviare un’azione di pianificazione condivisa che, grazie a una migliore conoscenza dei fenomeni erosivi e della dinamica dei litorali, individui soluzioni di intervento ottimali per la gestione del territorio in relazione alle caratteristiche morfologiche e idrodinamiche della costa........