Mentino Preti Page
- 1972 Degree in engineering from the University of Bologna.
- 1977-1980 Sustained 18 exams at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna.
- 1976 after a year of consulting, he is hired by IDROSER SpA, an environmental engineering company at 50% ENI and 50% Emilia-Romagna region.
- 1976-1996 employee IDROSER; In 1996 IDROSER was merged into ARPA, where he remained until his retirement on 31-12-2012.
- January 1979- December 2012, for 33 years he worked continuously in the field of the coastal defense, first as Quadro then as Executive in charge of the sea-coast area. Altogether, it has set up and directed more than 70 studies, projects and researches in the following areas:
– Planning for defence policies and interventions.
– Integrated management of coastal areas.
– Regional shoreline monitoring networks and beach detail monitoring.
– Design of defence works (In particular, sole designer of the first beach nourishment operation in Emilia-Romagna using underwater sand 2002)
- 1988 First Project of Tourist Port Plan in RER and update of the same in 1999.
- 1990 Experimental interventions to contain mucillagini.
- 1984-2008 has intended, designed and directed 7 geophysical and geognostic research campaigns in the Adriatic Sea to detect sandy accumulations to be used for the eroded beaches nourischment. The 1984 one was the first in Italy in this area. With those of 1984 and 1988, a beach of about 10,000 years ago was discovered, mapped and characterized by a 65 km long beach. Totally, 7 underwater accumulations with a potential of about 300million m3 of sand were discovered.
- 1998-2010 Identification, characterisation and monitoring of new water-dred sediment discharge areas in the region's ports.
- 1981-2012 Scientific Disclosure and Reporting
- Over 100 articles, reports and presentations at regional, national and international conferences.
- 9 volumes curated and written largely first-hand
- Many collaborations for the realization of TV services, especially with the regional TG3 RAI and many articles written for magazines and newspapers, also at national circulation.
- Main activities after retiring:
- 2014-2019 Elected Provincial Coordinator of the 3 ATC (territorial areas for the management of hunting involving farmers, hunters and environmentalists) for a 5-year term.
- 2019 Publication of the volume “The Hundred Years of the Carnival of San Grugnone a Conselice" published by publisher La Mandragora of Imola.